
Thursday 11 November 2010

Random Shenannigans.....

Okay more randomness. Here we have the legendary "Star Wars Kid" (bows) demonstrating why Jedi Masters are hardcore and kick ass. Many of you will have seen it, but this is the special effects edited version, which you may not have seen...

Nothing to do with art, but as the title says......

In this mornings post I received the latest edition of ImagineFX magazine. Luckily it was a Dungeons & Dragons special, as the old red box beginners set is being re-released by Wizards of the Coast and it showed off some nice art from the super talented Ralph Horsely whose variation on the fabled "Ancient Red" box and cover art of TSR's original release by Larry Elmore (bows again) was featured inside. The painting pays homage to the original art (which is featured on the outer box) in its composition but freshens it up with a modern more detailed edge. I still have my red beginners set of D&D books, along with the Expert set and the green rule books (alas the final master set is disappeared into some mystical portal). Many fond memories of playing D&D at school, ahhh.......

Edit: I appear to have accidently edited out the final bit of this post so here it goes again...

The cover you see in the picture above is responsible for my interest in Fantasy Art and is unquestionably iconic to me. Larry Elmore and Jeff Easly were my first two artists that I really wanted to emulate at school but alas, my talent was lacking. I am rebooting it and attempting to make a valiant second attempt and that effort remains to be seen. I did have the opportunity to thank Larry Elmore over Facebook as his name cropped up on a friends Friend List. Didn't really expect it to be THE Larry Elmore but it was and so I wrote a quick thank you for the inspiration message and he was even kind enough to reply back. I guess the message here is never stop trying. I wasted about 16 years with no art. Maybe if I kept at it I would be further down the road than I am now. But I know now to, as the saying goes (Mr Bob Ross (bows)),  "Keep on happy painting...."

You can head over to Wizards of the Coast website to find out more here.....

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