
Sunday 7 November 2010

Inspiration Aplenty

I thought I'd share a personal source of inspiration for of late, two magazines that have now replaced my Games Workshops White Dwarf subscription. To be honest, White Dwarf is long past it's sell by date now. I remember the good old days when it was a proper gaming magazine and the best to boot. Then it turned into an inhouse product catalogue. I have noticed a few improvements with painter/sculptor profile articles, but on the whole the content is very limited and I am not really getting anything out of it at all. Subscription cancelled!!! I replaced it with the fantasy art magazine ImagineFX and have never looked back. ImagineFX is an excellent mix of content, lots of artist profiles, including many amateurs and people plucked from deviantart's website as well as professionals and legendary artists (Larry Elmore is featured in next months edition). It doesn't feature sculpture however, but there is a great deal of concept art, artists sketchbooks, workshops and reviews of products (books, films,software,hardware etc). An all around excellent magazine which is a good source of inspiration for the miniatures hobby. It is a monthly magazine and comes  with the obligatory DVD stuffed full of demos, brushes, 3D models, textures, video workshops and the like. Plenty of useful stuff on it.

The other magazine is a miniatures one called GamesForce, published in Spainish and recently published in English and available from Cool Mini Or Not in the USA and El Greco Miniatures in the UK (I am not sure about European suppliers). The magazine is absolutely choc full of fullpage close up photography allowing you to really appreciate the detail and skill of the paintjobs within. There is always a good range of miniatures covered - from terrain, to busts, large scale figures and 54mm, 30mm minis. Pretty much everything. The text is fairly limited but enough to explain what is going on, sharing paint recipes, processes and tips and tricks. I would highly recommend this magazine, even though it does take a while for it to come out, it is supposed to be bi-monthly but it frequently takes longer to appear in the UK. Subscriptions are available from EL Greco Miniatures now however. Don't be fooled by the issue number below. The English edition is only on number 18 at the moment, quite a bit behind......

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