
Tuesday 25 June 2013

The Complete Elmore

A few weeks ago I stumbled upon a Kickstarter campaign that I would have supported but was unfortunate enough to miss. If you will excuse the pun, I kicked myself harder than I have ever kicked myself before. The campaign in question was for an art book. An art book written by one of the first artists responsible for firing my imagination with wonderful visions for my gaming and responsible for my interest in fantasy art. This artist is Larry Elmore and his art book is a collected works from the span of his career called "The Complete Elmore". An art book that will look great on any fantasy gamers shelf. I have a good selection of art books, none however, are complete works. But with that said, the amazing artists whose books I have collected have not been in the business quite as long as Larry or have just not produced such a book that I have seen. I do hope to see plenty more "complete works of..." in the future.

If you are a hardcore RPG gamer reading this it is quite likely that you will have seen the basic red boxed Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set. You know, the one with the gold dragon on the front fighting the barbarian warrior using a sword and shielding himself. Here, this.....

Larry is also well known for his work on Dragon Lance Chronicles as well as Dungeons & Dragons. A book series I absolutely loved in my now long gone youth. Well it seems like it anyway. I guess I am not that old really. But anyway, time for me to shut up for a minute and just feed your eyes a steady stream of Elmore artwork...

All images are copyright of Larry Elmore or respective owners and are used without permission. Please contact me if you require a credit.

Well there we have a selection of it anyway. If you want to see all or at least most of Larry's art, then perhaps check out Larry's book "The Complete Elmore". Although the wonderful bargain Kickstarter price is no longer available, you can still purchase one of the few remaining copies Larry has leftover at regular retail price. Unfortunately my own financial circumstances prevent me from splashing out on it and I will be bitter about that until the end of my days. But bills, a house move, finding a new place to live and preventing myself from sitting in the street with a beggars bowl and an "Alms for the blind" sign drawn on the back of a Cornflake box, all conspire against me.

If you however want to pick one up, Larry's webstore can be visited HERE! (ClickMe.) There are not many left either!!! Larry does have a few other books available on the store so browse around.

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