
Wednesday 21 July 2010

Thuggorre the Giant

Received a great big parcel today containing the first set of casts of "Thuggorre". These casts are going to be for myself and the paint master, with maybe one going out for a competition which I will sort out shortly. I am hoping to be getting the production casts for the end of next week ready to launch the following week, so a hopeful launch date of 2nd August where it will be available to purchase from the newly established DFB Studio. I am still working on the graphic design elements I need, although now I have it in my head what I am aiming for with the logo so now its just a case of doing it. Never rush a logo design, you only get one chance!!! Well, unless you are the manufacturer of a well known brand of kitchen towel.

I must say Tim, Mark and Rich have done a great job casting Thuggorre, it came out great, alot of the skin texture has come out slightly less obvious, although it should be subtle in order to be realistic anyway. Whether this is my sculpting or the silicone I am not sure, but either way it still looks great. The mould line running down the right hand side of the bust and is very discreet, so good news for people who hate the prep stage of painitng!

The photos of the resin have been taken and I will upload and edit into this post later this evening, so until then.........


PS On other news, I also received the Cool Mini Or Not annual today which is an absolutely fantastic book full of great minis, and there is nearly a whole page showing off the Jarheads I made last year. It is indeed Cool.

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