
Saturday 5 June 2010

CMON Annual 2008

Good news from Cool Mini Or Not website - their new annual 2008 is nearly set for release. A preview is available in the forum news post and allows ou to flick through a few pages of absolutely stunning minis! I am very pleased that the photographs I submitted of my own qualifying pieces were accepted and included in the annual as well, so that is quite exciting for me and I'm really looking forward to taking a look through the book and having a printed version of some great miniature art rather than just a collection of saved photographs on my hard drive. Check it out in the news section of the CMON forum.

On the sculpting front I have had a few days off, and got back to work on Wednesday, Thuggorre now sits on his new base and sculpting is underway on the cloak and chest armour. Now I was going to add some ringmail to it, but decided against it as it didn't fit in with the way I did the leather armour, so maybe on the next sculpt. I am pleased with it so far. The Cyborg Daemon awaits his eye still and a tongue, I took some time off for this one whilst I awaited delivery of the ball bearings I ordered for the eyes and because the eyes on both sculpts weren't looking right it put me off my stride on it. Back to that soon. The ogre rider sits patiently on the workbench, no work on that this week other thn cursory checking glances.

I am away for a holiday, so won't be doing anything over the coming week although I do have alot of sketches to upload and will possibly get around to doing that tomorrow before I go. The new designs however won't be up for everyone to have their vote on as I have already picked two favourites from the new sketches.


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