

DFB Studio products available from the shop!!! Please click a flyer to see the full size artwork for the product.

Thuggorre is the first official DFB Studio release. 

"Thuggorre the giant, hideous and reviled by his own kind for his physical deformation and limited mental capacity found refuge in the highest mountains of the Northern Icelands where he was found, tricked and enslaved by mind controlling magic by the evil sorceror Gar-Gamell. As his servant he leads a large barbarian horde, and no longer fettered by stupidity he plots and ravages the lands of those who once forsoke him......."

Joaq of the Long Tongue - Chronicler of Norbe


I have a number of painting projects which will need loving homes when they are completed. The two main projects are Bad Moon Orks and Howling Griffon space marines. If you would like a model painting you can contact me to see if I am free to do your project.

Models that are available to purchase will have a price next to them and an ebay link whilst on auction. Models that do not sell will have a price next to them and a link to a picture. If you would like it simply contact me to arrange purchase.

Howling Griffons - this is to be sold as a complete army. It so far consists of the following models....

Scouts (metal) & Snipers
Tactical suad
Attack bike
three bikes

Bad Moon Orks

Big Boss - SOLD! UK Games Day Finalist
Big Mek
Lobba ( to include magnetised zapper and cannon to)
3 defcopters

Space Marine Tactical squad Ultramarines
Space Commander Ultramarine 

These projects will form the core of my mini painting for the moment, I may diversify now and then to ease boredom. If you see stuff here you are interested in, feel free to contact me or check back here from time to time to see whats new.  They will all need a deserving home o be used in battles!!!
