
Cool Sculptures Archive

This page will eventually be a veritable feast of eye candy showcasing some of the finest sculpture and amazing things out there on the internet by some of the worlds most talented artist.

Before I begin the archive, here is a collection of some of the greatest miniature sculptures and paintjobs that I have collated from the pages of Cool Mini Or Not. Clicking the link will take you to my ever expanding favourites list which showcases some of the top artists. Click the link and take some time to look!

Work In Progress logs are a real favourite section of mine on the forums, so I just wanted to add a section in here for some of the best WIP threads I stumble across on my travels in the forums.


This section is a collection of posts from the entire blog, collating all the coolest pieces of work by other artists on the net into one page that you can scroll straight through without having to hunt through the whole thing. Enjoy.

Here is another bit of eye candy for you to feast upon. Today I would like to showcase the magnificent and intriguing work of sculptor Paul Day. You can visit his website at the link below.

Paul Day Website

As you will see, much perspective based sculpture and I am sure you will agree outstanding work.

Here are Ray Villafane's sand sculptures..... (link)