
Book of Arcanium

Okay, its just a fancy name for "Links" which you have to admit sounds boring, but is always useful. Here secrets will be revealed - links to amazing tutorials found across the net, if I get time I may include one or two of my own. Discover some new techniques and have a go at applying them in your own work, its always fun learning something new and even better if it works out great first time. Beyond tutorials there will be reviews of miniature and non miniature related products - art books, training dvd's, music, games etc. You get the picture I am sure. Hinton on Cool Mini Or Not has kindly allowed me to post his Random Geek video reviews here as well, just don't say the "R(esin)" word. Sssh, I said don't say it! Anyway, I do hope you find something of use here.

FREE E-Zines!

Lately I have been coming across a few freebie zines online and thought that it might be useful to link them here. I hope you find them enjoyable.

WAMP - Portal
Irregular Magazine

Painting Tutorials

Cool Mini Or Not --- Tutorials Covering Everything!

A MASSIVE range of tutorials on all sorts of topics and areas. Definately check this out. Some links included here will be pulled out and highlighted as I find some of the best ones for easier reference.

True Metallic Metal Painting Tutorial by Iguazzu

An excellent tutorial by award winning painter Iguazzu (on CMON). Definately watch this if you need to improve your metallic painting. 

Sculpting Tutorials

Smellybugs Maquette Tutorial - Start To Finish

A complete start to finish tutorial by a great sculptor, covering tools, materials, concept art, armature building and most definately one of my favourite tutorials threads. Don't miss out on this one.
Cool Mini Or Not --- Tutorials Covering Everything!

A MASSIVE range of tutorials on all sorts of topics and areas. Definately check this out. Some links included here will be pulled out and highlighted as I find some of the best ones for easier reference. --- Tutorials covering Everything!

A small range of tutorials covering casting and moulding, making banners and others. The casting tutorial is VERY GOOD and I highly recommend you take a look if its something you are looking at having a go at.

Miniature Turnarounds

I thought it would be a great idea to get some videos of miniatures on the blog as well as pictures. I will be keeping a look out for high quality paintjobs and adding them here as soon as I find them. We start off with some paintjobs by "Freeman" - the amazingly talented Joaquin Palacious and "Alezi_Z", the equally amazing Natalya Melnik, multiple slayer sword and Golden Demon winner.

Max Cexwish - Golden Demon Germany 2011 Winner

Freeman (Joaquin Palacious)

Natalya Melnik


Hintons Video Reviews

Book Reviews

Game Reviews

Music Reviews

Film Reviews