
Monday 17 December 2012

Adrian Smith VS Cyril Roquelaine, The Last Days!

Unfortunately I was working over the weekend so couldn't keep up with posting these awesome sculpts on the blog, but hopefully by now you have subscribed to Adrian's and Cyril's pages anyway so it shouldn't matter! Here is a round up the final days images, all great sculpts and all that's left to say is that it is a great shame that these won't be available for us to buy as resin kits. I know I would like to paint some of these beauties!

Day 5

Adrians choice of art.....

Cyrils finished sculpt....

I am so glad this piece was chosen to be sculpted - thank you Adrian!!! I really do love this artwork and quite fancy having a go at sculpting this myself one day.

Day 6

Adrians chosen art for the day was......

Cyrils finished sculpture......

I just knew that this one would get picked! It's a great and popular character of Adrian's that appears in a few of his illustrations.

Day 7

This one was an unexpected and awesome choice featuring two characters. This piece of work is the signed art print that people who pre-ordered the Illuminations book got as a freebie.

Adrians chosen art....

Cyrils completed sculpt.....

And that's it all over, boo hoo. Some great eye candy though and that's what this blog is all about. My passion for fantasy and sharing the cool stuff I find with everyone reading this blog and for me to sit back and peruse at leisure. I will get around to sorting out all this stuff into the cool sculpt archive just so you can get to the meat of the blog a little easier. I have another sketch of my own to share soon and I have a project in the works I cannot share at the moment that will appear elsewhere on the net at some stage. That's it for today folks!


Thursday 13 December 2012

Adrian Smith VS Cyril Roquelaine Day 4

I hope you have all subscribed to Adrians and Cyrils Facebook pages and are following this by now!! Catch up by looking at the posts below, head on over to their pages to view the sculpt progress throughout the course of the day and watch the time lapse videos!

After half a day asleep I crawled out of bed. Very late with todays posting, but this challenge is on my blog because it is incredibly cool art and idea and I want to be able to look back on all this stuff one day. So I shall still post this up regardless of the lateness of it.

Adrians chosen art for today....

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Adrian Smith VS Cyril Roquelaine Day 3

Ahh day 3 of the Adrian Smith and Cyril Roquelaine challenge is upon us. As ever be sure to check Cyrils Facebook page for updates throughout the course of the day and if you have missed any previous days work they are below this posting as well as on the main respective sites.

Adrians chosen piece of artwork for today is this.....

Cyrils finished work for this illustration is looking the business!

If you visit Cyrils Facebook page and or website you will be able to see some of the time lapse videos of him sculpting these masterpieces - they are well worth watching!

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Adrian Smith VS Cyril Roquelaine Day 2

I hope you took a look at yesterdays posting about the artistic collaboration between Cyril and Adrian, with Cyril sculpting Adrian's selected photo each day this week! Here is the photo selected by Adrian for todays sculpt.....

EDIT: Here is Cyrils finished sculpt, visit the Facebook page linked below to see the work in progress throughout the course of the day and all of the final photos Cyril has taken!

You can follow the progress on Cyrils sculpt on his Facebook page. I would suggest subscribing to his blog and the FB page if you don't already as there is some lovely work to feast your eyes upon.

I can also wholeheartedly recommend you check out Adrians book "Illuminations" if you haven't yet done so. Its available from his Facebook page direct and well worth the wonga if you like fantasy and science fiction art!!


Monday 10 December 2012

Adrian Smith VS Cyril Roquelaine

An interesting challenge has been set on the pages of Facebook between two great artists - sculptor Cyril Roquelaine and illustrator Adrian Smith. Each day for the next 7 days a new painting will be posted by Adrian on his Facebook Page from his artbook "Illuminations" each morning and Cyril will sculpt it and post photographs of progress throughout the day. Certainly an interesting project to follow indeed. Cyril has already posted some of the first challenge here...

Here is the art Adrian has given Cyril for the days sculpt...

EDIT: Here is the finished sculpt at the end of the days work. Please check back here for more tomorrow to see what picture Adrian has chosen from his book for Cyril to sculpt next. This is some great sculpting - I love his work so be sure to check his blog and take a look!

This is just one photo, to see all the rest please visit Cyrils website where you can see the full days sequence of progress! I am really liking this collaborative project - great stuff!!!!


Cyril Roquelaine is an awesome sculptor and his website is here. Take some time and check it out!
