
Thursday 17 February 2011

Fantasy Garden Sculptures

Today I have discovered a few more gems and I must admit some jealousy here as I am sure would many others reading this. This post is dedicated to the work of artist and sculptor Bruno Torf who's fantasy sculptures populate some wonderful gardens in Australia. Here is a bit of information from his website....

"After several years of this lifestyle, Bruno and the family made a decision to pack up and move to Australia to create a sculpture garden that he would run as a permanent attraction.The family arrived in Melbourne and shortly after had found the perfect place in the small Victorian village of Marysville. The luscious sub-alpine forests of the surrounding area – were the ideal setting for Bruno's plan and luckily the property he purchased he a large section of rain forest attached. After five months of backbreaking work Bruno's art and sculpture garden was opened to the public. Also on the property was a gallery that housed over 200 of his artworks brought over from Europe that included oil paintings, sketches and smaller sculptures.

The garden began with just fifteen life sizes terracotta sculptures, today there are over one hundred and fifteen pieces on display and Bruno is still making regular additions. The unique experience of the garden and its wondrous inhabitants attracts thousands of visitors a year. Bruno and the family still live there and always take great pleasure in being able to share their magnificent art treasure with all that come."

Very Impressive work I'm sure you will agree.


Tuesday 8 February 2011

Hooray I can Post Again

After upgrading my Opera web browser the Blogger controls now actually work and I can once again post updates. This entry is a general collection of things....

First up some fantastic sculpts by Cyril Roquelaine. This very talented guy has some videos up on Youtube where you can watch him sculpt some pieces. These are two of my personal favourites I saw when I visited his site. You might want to turn the sound off if you dont like repetitive jazz though.

Cool Mini Or Not Figure of the Week

Whilst many lovely painted miniatures as always lurk in the top twenty of the week over on Cool Mini Or Not and more often than not it is tough to pick a favourite, this just had to be my pick of the bunch. Amazing work.

Games Force Magazine Issue 19 is now available in the UK - Just received my copy very swiftly delivered by El Greco Miniatures (I received this in 2 days flat!) I have used this company several times and can whole heartedly recommend them. No problems and swift delivery. It contains many articles by some of Cool Mini Or Not website artists - Jarhead (Roman Lappat), Arsies (Javier Gonealez) and Jeremie Bonament Teboul amongst others and a fantastic interview with Alan Carrasco.

Irregular Magazine Issue 7 is available to download free. This is a fantastic quarterly magazine and you get it at the link below....