
Wednesday 27 October 2010

Errr.......Okay, I'm Not Confused

Here is an interesting sculpture for you..........

I really like this crazy idea!!!


Tuesday 26 October 2010

All Hallows Eve

The Day of the Dead approaches!!!! I, being a truly grumpy person at being disturbed by unwelcome visitors at my door will be following the traditional pagan rules of turning the lights off and locking the door - that should keep those nasty spirits out of my home and away from my precious candy, mmm candy.

In celebration of the event though, I would like to point again in the direction of my favourite sculptor - Ray Villafane. You may have seen his sand sculpture work on the net, I posted a piece within these very pages as well myself. But he is also one of the top pumpkin sculptors around. Check out the work below and the link underneath will take you all the way across the net to his own site where you feast your eyes on more orangey goodness.....


Life Is For Living

Well, yesterday I had some great news about a new job I have been chasing on and off over the year. After 16 years of working for Safeway/Morrisons I will be moving to a new job which is full time over 3 days, giving me 4 days of free-time to actually live life without it feeling like you are constantly working. At any rate this means I can invest more time into my pursuit of art and sculpting, not as much as I would like still as my house is like one massive, eternal DIY project, but at least 1 1/2 days of it. It also means I can ship items more frequently.

At any rate things should be looking up from now on. I will be adding some more things to the blog throughout the course of the week - photography is a hobby dear to my heart when I travel and I will add a section for it, not related to miniatures maybe but photography is a form of art and thats one of the things that this blog is about. Photography from China, USA, Cyprus, Create, Turkey, Paris and many other places I have visited will be featured and I will pick a selection of my best shots. I have some more sketches to add, one is a candidate for a sculpt the rest is just done for fun and practice, but I will be posting all of it anyway.


Sunday 24 October 2010

Cyborg Daemon

Well I had some news today that the Cyborg Daemon sculpt is cast, in white resin so the photo is a little tricky to make out but it looks good to me and I can't wait to get my hands on it. The tongues will be cast soon and I will post news when the product is available from Daemonscape it will be a limited production run I believe. This commission was a fun one, the next bunch of busts will be zombies, I will post more news on that when the current project is closer to completion.


Thursday 14 October 2010

Some Lead In The Old Pencil Yet

Here is another update with some smart looking and very cool miniature sculpture this time. These pieces are carved from the tips of pencils.....

Obviously there are more to see, this is just the tip of the, err pencil!!!

Click HERE to see more.

Thats all for now, no sculpting news other than the Mammox Rider is still in progress and the Cyber Daemon Bust is at its final destination ready for casting next week.


Sunday 3 October 2010

More Sand Sculptures

Here is a very cool dragon I spotted online.

There are some amazing pieces of work done in sand, shame they don't last, I think I would be absolutely gutted if I did this and it was wrecked by the elements shortly afterwards. Anyway, I will find some more and post up soon.
