
Monday 26 April 2010

Another Update...

Keep your eyes peeled for pictures of the face tomorrow, I will need some opinions. i am just sculpting the teeth now (nearly done) and moving around to the opposite side of the face. The teeth will not be sharp, mainly due to avoid too much rip on the mould when the resin is pulled but also because its fits in with my design and is different to the typically sharp toothed demon. It helps make the sculpt look like a brute. I am also working in some veins now I have a body building mag in front of me I can start doing that tonight. I tried a different technique for sculpting ultra fine veins, most people stick thin rolls of putty into a little trench cut out of the sculpt on larger scale work. On this sculpt it is made just be cutting the line in the final shape and then using simple sculpt-fu to reblend the putty to a raised vein edge. Looks pretty cool and works much better on an already textured surface that you don't want to ruin. Might do a little tutorial one day when i'm not doing the 1000 other things on my to do list.


Sunday 25 April 2010

New Pictures

Here are the latest pictures of the bust progress. Some further shots will be posted over the next few days. I'm really liking the direction its heading and hope the client likes it to, but we shall see....


Tuesday 20 April 2010


Well, after knocking out my first, err, 35mm figure, I am quite pleased to announce I have decided on a name for my fantasy minis line as the title has kind of given it away already, yes it is "Denizens". Simple and to the point. I'll obviously have to design a nice looking logo still and so on. It describes what I want to do perfectly - create characters and monsters for fantasy games settings. I'll add descriptive fluff and stuff to breathe a little inspiration and life where I can. All for now. No work on anything today, as today is a me day and I'm going to see Clash of the Titans.


Monday 19 April 2010

First "30mm" Sculpt

Well progress continues on the Cyborg, I have moved around to the front now, built the sternum and have used guitar strings to create muscle fibres. Skinning the pec right now to see if effect looks okay and then i am going to start roughing the head in.

On another note, whilst the sculpt was baking i started my very first 30mm figure which has actually grown to 35mm to top of head. Hmmm, dont know how that happened. Anyway, it was just basically playing around from a simple idea of a bank robber in a clown mask with a gun and a "bang" sign. It is nearly done, more time was spent trying to get the putty to stick to the armature than actually sculpting it I almost certain. Had a few problems with the armature as well, round the arms and shoulders. Poorly executed on my part and it has affected the sculpt more than i thought. I m not that worried - its only messing about. I will post some pics soon.


Thursday 15 April 2010

I Am Borg

Well, the new bust is well underway and has progressed very quickly. The design has moved away from the original art considerably after much discussion and a bit of research we decided to do it as a cyborg. The current WIP shows the back of the sculpt. More photos next week when hopefully the front will be near to completition.


Monday 5 April 2010

More News

Added a few bits to the website today, its certainly not how I want it to look at the moment, but it will do for a moment. I'll start work on some graphical elements soon, but I'd like to try and design a logo first and foremost. Has to feature a werewolf, some cool lettering and beyond that its still thoughts and ideas.....

The new bust design is shaping up, almost at a point where I can start the actual sculpting. It has changed significantly from the original photo in the previous post but is along similiar lines. It will be demon from the future, that's all I'll say for now.
