
Wednesday 20 January 2010

Oh Rats!!

It has been a while since my last update here, but I am finally back in the sculpting seat after taking December off ( a busy month at work and the dreaded xmas to deal with) from it. I have done quite a bit of work on the Rat Warrior, no photos as yet but the detailing on the helmet is the next thing i will be tackling, bulking out of the face is done more or less, I have added a beard, the helmet basic shape and some details are also done. It should look quite different from the original sculpt of "In the Shadows".

On a personal note, I have recently returned  from a trip to London to celebrate a 60th birthday and also had a short holiday. Went to see a west end show, attended the London Boat Show at Excel and visited  the Natural History Musuem which i have not visited since childhood. It actually turned out to be a very inspirational visit - the dinosaur displays were particularly useful as were some of the stranger mammals on show. So I hope to bring some of my photos into some sculpts this year. I will post a selection when they have been through a bit of editing.
