
Wednesday 30 September 2009

In The Shadows

I'm now back from beautiful Crete, and the not so Labryinthian palace of King Minos at Knossos. A fantastic place to holiday, I would have liked to have done more trips and travelled more across Crete, but that will have to wait until next time.

The Rat Assassin (Grott) is now available from Grey Matter Figures at the price of £22.50, great value for such a large bust. This piece is entitled "In The Shadows", and you may purchase here. I am still awaiting a quote on the Darkhand Assassin bust, hopefully some news on that later today.

The next piece on the workbench will be the next in the "Something From The Sewers" range of rat busts - the warrior. No proper working title yet! I will be doing some sculpting today, working mainly on bulking out the fur.


Tuesday 22 September 2009

Off On Hols

Holiday time, I'm off for a week so no more stuff happening until I get back when hopefully I will get a chance to paint my bust of Grott Chief of Assassins which should be in the hands of the casters as you read this. My Darkhand bust is also being produced. Drop me a line if you want one, there won't be many available though initially! 


Sunday 13 September 2009

Dog On A Blog

Not much to report of late, tooth on the Rat assassin broke delaying postage for casting. Too much carving and filing for it to stand I guess. God I hate teeth.

On a non sculpting note, I now have the floor tiles for my garage waiting to be laid which I hope to be doing on Friday. One step closer to my studio conversion. It will have two areas. One for sculpting, modelling  and painting and another for other dirtier and dustier tasks - dry sculpting, machining, and eventually casting and mould making. I'm looking forward to having a dedicated space!! Pictures of course when it's done!

I will be tweaking and meddling with the blog over the next few months, just spruce it up with some nice graphics and features etc and get it looking like I want it. 

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Casts Hopefully Available Soon

I am looking into getting a quote to get the Darkhand bust into production so if you interested drop me a line. I am hoping to get these out for just under £20 plus shipping. More details when I get the quote back.

I will soon be posting an outline of my sci-fi world setting, working title Middgard. It will not be any kind of game, just a setting to add colour and inspiration to my work. More for my benefit than anyone elses. I would appreciate feedback on it though nevertheless. The idea will be more to help me produce gaming pieces that fit in with any number of games out on the market. I will still be doing busts of characters from this world setting for painters and collectors as well.

Thats all for now folks.